Privacy Policy

We take your Privacy seriously. Away to Go will never trade, sell, knowingly share or otherwise pass your personal information to a third party for commercial use.


AwayToGo is committed to:

Personal information provided online (email, tel, physical addresses) is used for the purpose of fulfilling orders or providing information only. 

We may from time to time email news on our special offers, features and services. You can opt out of any such communication from Away to Go by selecting the "No" checkbox in the "Newsletter" section in your profile. You can request correction, amendment or deletion of your personal information held by us at any time by writing to us or emailing . 


AwayToGo uses secure dedicated servers and secure socket layer (SSL) data transfer for strong encryption of customer information in all sensitive areas of our website from managing your personal information to processing your payment. You can rest assured that using our website to pay for your gift vouchers is done in a secure environment.


AwaytoGo DOES NOT store any credit card information. 

Away to Go endeavours to provide goods and services to the Customer while holding the Customer's personal information privately, confidentially and securely in accordance with the Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1993.  Away to Go will not sell, or allow third parties access to your information without your approval. 

Within the site, the Customer may also be asked to give personal information. Away to Go asks for information that is necessary to process orders and to enable Away to Go to fulfil its obligations under the Website Terms or any other agreement that Away to Go may have with the Customer. Away to Go may also use the Customer's information for future marketing purposes outside those described above. If the Customer does not wish his or her details to be used for this purpose, the Customer will need to leave the "Sign up to Away to Go email offers" checkbox unchecked when registering for a new account. This can at a later date be selected or unselected in the "My Account" section of the website.

The Customer is not obliged to provide Away to Go with this information, although failure to do so may result in Away to Go being unable to process the Customer's order or provide the Customer with information which the Customer may wish to obtain through the site. 

If the Customer would like to inspect, correct, update or delete the personal information Away to Go holds about the Customer, this can be done by contacting us

Away to Go will endeavour to ensure that the information the Customer provides is kept secure and confidential and is not released to a third party, except where Away to Go is required to do so by law or regulation. However, Away to Go will not be responsible for any breach of security caused by third parties. 

The website uses cookies. The use of cookies is to allow Away to Go to track information about Customers' use of the site and provide appropriate content. If the use of cookies on your web browser is disabled or specific cookies from this web site are removed or rejected, then Customers may not be able to gain access to all the content and facilities of this website.